Latvia's President Names New Prime Minister

Riga, 20 February 2004 (RFE/RL) -- Latvia's president has named a new prime minister who will have to form a new right-of-center majority coalition.
President Vaira Vike-Freiberga said Indulis Emsis will create transparency and fight corruption while forming a cabinet.

The 52-year-old leader of the small Union of Farmers and Greens party will head the government two weeks after the resignation of Einars Repse.

The government led by Repse resigned two weeks ago after losing its majority a week earlier, when a junior coalition partner quit over a spat between Repse and his deputy prime minister which ended with Repse sacking his deputy.

The new Latvian cabinet will have to ensure the country's stability in the run-up to European Union and NATO entry this spring.