11 More Serbs Indicted Over 1991 Massacre

25 May 2004 -- Serbian prosecutors say they have indicted 11 more former Serbian soldiers in the 1991 slayings of nearly 200 prisoners of war in eastern Croatia.
A spokesman for prosecutors in Belgrade, Bruno Vekaric, said today that all 11 are in custody. All deny involvement in the massacre.

The new indictments came as six other Serbian soldiers are standing trial for their alleged culpability in the November 1991 massacre, which took place shortly after Serbian troops took control of the Croatian city of Vukovar following a siege.

The indictments charge that Serb troops in November 1991 took the Croatian victims from a town hospital to the nearby Ovcara pig farm, shot them, and dumped their bodies into pits.

The trial is Serbia's first major internal war crimes case.
