Washington, 1 July 2004 (RFE/RL) -- U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney has reiterated the presidential administration's belief that Saddam Hussein's regime had a relationship with Al-Qaeda.
"Saddam's regime had long-established ties with Al-Qaeda," Cheney said today in New Orleans. "These ties included senior-level contacts going back a decade. In the early 1990s Saddam had sent a brigadier general in the Iraqi intelligence service to Sudan to train Al-Qaeda in bomb-making and document forgery."
The staff of an independent U.S. government commission investigating the 11 September 2001 attacks concluded recently that it found no evidence of a collaborative relationship between Hussein's regime and Al-Qaeda.
Cheney also said Iraq faces a historic transformation. He said 15 months ago Iraq was under the control of a dictator and now the Iraqi people will bring Hussein to justice.
The staff of an independent U.S. government commission investigating the 11 September 2001 attacks concluded recently that it found no evidence of a collaborative relationship between Hussein's regime and Al-Qaeda.
Cheney also said Iraq faces a historic transformation. He said 15 months ago Iraq was under the control of a dictator and now the Iraqi people will bring Hussein to justice.