IAEA Postones Debate On Iran Resolution

IAEA head Muhammad el-Baradei 17 September -- The United Nations' nuclear watchdog agency has postponed discussing Iran's nuclear program.
Negotiations on a draft resolution continue at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board meeting in Vienna and are expected to be dealt with on Saturday.

U.S. and European envoys agreed yesterday on a compromise draft resolution which reportedly sets a November deadline for a full review of Iran's nuclear program but also calls on Tehran to "immediately halt" all uranium-enrichment activities. Reports said EU envoys were now meeting with other members of the IAEA board.

Iran agreed to suspend uranium enrichment in October 2003 as the IAEA investigated U.S.-led allegations that Iran is attempting to develop nuclear weapons.

Hossein Mousavian, Iran's chief delegate to the agency, said today Iran will soon decide whether to extend the suspension.

U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton dismissed this as a ploy to fend off a possible report to the UN Security Council in November, which could lead to economic sanctions.
