Iranian Minister Suggests Vote Recount Possible

Tehran Mayor Mahmud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner after the second round of voting 15 July 2005 -- Iranian Interior Minister Abdolvahed Musavi-Lari has said he is willing to order a partial recount of ballots in the presidential election after a losing candidate in the June voting complained of fraud.
Musavi-Lari made the announcement in an open letter to outgoing President Hojatoleslam Mohammad Khatami.

Former parliamentary speaker and unsuccessful first-round candidate Mehdi Karoubi had demanded a recount of the 17 June ballot.

Conservative Mahmud Ahmadinejad won the vote. He is set to succeed Khatami on 3 August.

A recount must first be authorized by the Guardians Council, which has the final say over the election's outcome and dismissed allegations of widespread fraud after the first round of voting.


Related stories:

"Iran: Do The Presidential Vote Numbers Really Add Up?"

"Tehran Mayor Wins Landslide In Iran"

"Iran: As Winners Head For Runoff, Losers Complain Of Fraud"