Russia Lifts Ban On Nationalist Party

National Bolshevik Party leader Eduard Limonov (file photo) 16 August 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Russia's Supreme Court today lifted a ban on the radical National Bolshevik Party.
In June, a Moscow court ordered the party to disband. Prosecutors had argued the group violated registration procedures and was involved in extremist activities.

Party leader Eduard Limonov warmly welcomed today's decision.

"I think the Supreme Court has shown honesty, dignity and impartiality in carrying out its direct responsibilities," Limonov said. "It has confirmed our right to exist -- the right of a dissident political organization to exist. These [Supreme Court judges] are dignified, elderly, intelligent people, and they did not want to stain their names with an unlawful decision."

The party has attracted wide attention with demonstrations and pranks. Thirty-nine of its activists are currently on trial for seizing a government building in December.

It claims a total of some 17,000 representatives in 57 Russian regions.


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