Afghan Interior Minister Steps Down

27 September 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Afghan Interior Minister Ali Ahmad Jalali today announced that he intends to resign from President Hamid Karzai's government.
Jalali's announcement -- made in a television interview -- came amid reports of disagreements with Karzai over his choice of appointees to provincial posts.

Jalali had reportedly been critical of Karzai's appointments of factional leaders to some provincial posts. He has also openly accused some government officials of involvement in the country's massive drugs trade.

Karzai spokesman Kareen Rahimi told RFE/RL's Afghan Service Jalali was resigning for personal reasons:

"He [Jalali] didn't propose his resignation, but yes, from his statement it appears that he is eager to resume his academic and scientific activities," Rahimi said.

Jalali, who was educated in the West, returned to Afghanistan in 2002 after two decades of exile in the United States.

(With agencies)