U.S. State Department spokesman Scott McCormack said if Iran moves toward uranium enrichment the international community would have to consider measures to "restrain Iran's nuclear ambition."
Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said on national television today that Iran would not step back on its decision to resume nuclear fuel work.
The deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Saeedi, told state television earlier today that Tehran has already informed the UN nuclear watchdog of its decision.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) spokesperson Melissa Fleming told RFE/RL the agency is urging Iran to maintain its previous suspension of enrichment-related activities in a deal with the EU.
"[IAEA chief] el-Baradei is recalling the importance placed by the IAEA Board of Governors that Iran maintain its suspension of all enrichment-related activities as a key confidence-building measure,“ Fleming said. “He also calls on Iran to take the steps the IAEA requires to resolve outstanding issues regarding the nature of Iran's nuclear program."
Also today, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Assefi said that Iranian and Russian officials would meet in Tehran on January 7 to discuss Moscow's proposal to enrich uranium for Iran in Russia.
(with material from Reuters/AFP)