Four Georgian Police Officers Detained On Suspicion Of Murder

Georgian police pictured making an arrest (file photo) (official site) March 6, 2006 -- The Georgian authorities say they have evidence implicating four police officers in the murder in January of Sandro Girgvliani, an employee of United Georgian Bank.

The officers have been arrested.

The Interior Ministry named one of the officers as the head of its Constitutional Security Department, Gia Alania. The other three served in his department.

The Constitutional Security Department is made up largely of former officers of Georgia's State Security Ministry.


Human Rights In Georgia

Human Rights In Georgia

Georgia's police have been accused of using excessive force (official site)


'CULTURE OF IMPUNITY':Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili's government has had a checkered human rights record since it came to power after the 2003 Rose Revolution. The international community has welcomed the steps taken by the new Georgian leaders to refine the legal mechanisms needed to combat rights abuses. But it also blames the government for failing to ensure those mechanisms are properly implemented....(more)


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