Pro-Kremlin Youth Vow To Defend 'Holy Russia'

Nashi demonstrators in Moscow on March 25 (ITAR-TASS) March 26, 2007 -- About 15,000 supporters of Russia's pro-Kremlin youth movement have vowed to defend their country from a host of enemies as they celebrated seven years of Vladimir Putin's presidency.

Members of the Nashi movement said on March 25 that traitors are trying to pave the way for foreign powers to steal Russia's giant reserves of natural resources.

Supporters waved Russia's flag and chanted "Russia" before speeches.

They also went to recruit members in Moscow and give out special mobile-phone cards to be used to send out messages to followers.

(AFP, Reuters)

Russia's NGO Law

Russia's NGO Law

Russian environmental activists demonstrate in February 2006 against a proposed oil pipeline that they believe would have harmed Lake Baikal (TASS)

CLAMPING DOWN ON ACTIVISM. The authors of a report on Russia's controversial law on nongovernmental organizations issued by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom told an RFE/RL briefing in Washington that the law places "disturbing" restrictions on NGOs.


Listen to the entire briefing (about 75 minutes):
Real Audio Windows Media


Foreign NGOs Rush To Beat Registration Deadline

Scrutiny Of Foreign Funds Hurts Democracy Programs

Spy Scandal Highlights Mounting Pressure On NGOs

U.S. Official Says New NGO Law Part Of Antidemocratic Trend


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