Russia: Yeltsin Denounces Tax Evaders; Addresses Nation Tomorrow

Moscow, 10 October 1996 (RFE/RL) -- Russian President Boris Yeltsin issued a harsh statement today blaming several large enterprises for failing to pay their taxes, leaving the government critically short of revenue.

Yeltsin's statement said it was unacceptable that scientists, teachers, soldiers and other state workers don't get their wages because a few large enterprises are literally holding the finances of the entire country by the throat, refusing to pay taxes.

The accusation came after Yeltsin held his regular weekly meeting with his chief of staff, Anatoly Chubais. The two met at the Barvikha sanatorium outisde Moscow where Yeltsin is preparing for a heart bypass operation.

Facing an unprecedented fall in tax collections this year, Russia's Finance Ministry has had to slash spending and raise borrowing to keep the government running.

Meanwhile, Itar-tass reports that Russian President Boris Yeltsin will address the nation on Russian radio tomorrow morning.

The agency said Yeltsin's message would be broadcast at 9 a.m Central European Time by state-run Russian radio.