Russia: Oil Executives To Meet About Komi Pipeline

  • By Stephanie Baker

Moscow, 12 November 1996 (RFE/RL) - Russian and Western oil executives are to meet in Moscow today to discuss a proposal to rebuild a pipeline in the northern Russian region of Komi.

A Western oil company executive who asked not to be identified told RFE/RL that the Russian oil firm Komitek is organizing the meeting to propose that a new consortium be formed to upgrade an existing line from the Kharyaga field to Usinsk. A section of that pipeline burst in 1994, causing major environmental damage.

The executive said representatives of British Gas, France's Total, Elf Aquitaine, America's Conoco and Russia's oil pipeline companies, Transneft and Rosneft are expected at the meeting. He said Komitek has proposed rebuilding the 138-kilometer pipeline, which it controls, for about $150 million.

The executive said the meeting is meant to be informational and is not expected to involve making a decision on the project.