Russia: Yeltsin Orders Shakeup Of Arms Export Monopoly

Moscow, 21 August 1997 (RFE/RL) - The Kremlin says Russian President Boris Yeltsin has issued a decree dismissing the head of the country's arms export monopoly and ordering its restructuring.

The Kremlin press service issued a statement today saying that Alexander Kotelkin would be replaced at the head of Rosvooruzheniye by Yevgeny Ananyev, who currently heads the MAPO-Bank. The statement said Ananyev had been recommended for the post by Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. Chernomyrdin was recently given a supervisory role over the organization after it was criticized for mismanagement in the Russian media.

A second Kremlin statement issued today said that state control over arms exports would be increased while other enterprises would be given a greater role in the trade.