Yugoslavia: Serbia Pledges To Continue Fighting UCK

Pristina; 15 January 1999 (RFE/RL) -- Serbia's government pledged to continue fighting ethnic Albanian separatists in Kosovo today. The pledge came as the ministers, flanked by heavy security, held an extraordinary meeting in the province's capital of Pristina.

Correspondents say Serb authorities conducted the meeting in Pristina in order to send a signal that they have no intention of allowing the province to split from Serbia.

The Serb Media Center reports that Serb troops today also sealed off the village of Racak, about 25 kilometers southwest of Pristina. An AFP reporter in Kosovo also reports hearing artillery fire outside of Stimlje, about 30 kilometers south of Pristina.

OSCE spokesman Sandy Blyth today confirmed that Yugoslav army tanks fired on two separate locations overnight. Blyth said the attacks were at the western town of Decani and the southwestern town of Suva Reka.

In Sarajevo, NATO's supreme commander in Europe, General Wesley Clark, said the longer fighting continues in Kosovo, the harder it will be to negotiate a solution. In neighboring Albania, Prime Minister Pandeli Majko said he fears the Kosovo crisis could spill into Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia.