Moldova: President To Meet Russian Security Service Chief

Moscow, 17 April 2001 (RFE/RL) -- Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin will meet today in Moscow with Federal Security Service (FSB) chief Nikolai Patrushev. They will discuss cooperation between the security services of Russia and Moldova. Yesterday, Voronin had talks with President Vladimir Putin. The talks focused on Moldova's Russian-speaking separatist region of Transdniester.

Putin said Moscow is ready to help Moldova find a quick and peaceful settlement to the dispute.

In a joint statement, Putin and Voronin said a solution to the dispute should be based on respect for international human rights standards and should take into account Moldova's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Transdniester seceded from Moldova in 1990, before the former Soviet republic declared independence in 1991. War broke out in 1992 over fears that Moldova would reunite with neighboring Romania. Hundreds of people died in several months of fighting.