Slovakia: Right Agrees On Coalition Pact

Bratislava, 4 October 2002 (RFE/RL) -- Slovak Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda (pictured, right) said today the four center-right parties with a parliamentary majority have forged a coalition agreement to form a new government. The parties include Dzurinda's Slovak Democratic And Christian Union, the Hungarian Coalition Party, the Christian Democratic Movement, and the Alliance for a New Citizen. After the September elections the four parties hold 78 seats in the next 150-member parliament.

Dzurinda refused to name members of the cabinet, but said the parties had agreed on the new ministers names. He said Christian Democrat leader Pavol Hrusovsky would take the post of speaker of parliament.

Dzurinda said the agreements are yet to be approved by the parties' bodies which will meet this weekend and possibly on Monday (7 October). The parliament is scheduled to meet for the first time on 15 October.