Iran: Car Crime Crackdown In Tehran

Tehran, 27 April 2003 (RFE/RL) -- Police in the Iranian capital Tehran have launched a major crackdown on car crime, including violations of the Islamic dress code. The head of Tehran's Emergency Police, Colonel Ali Bayat, told the "Entekhab" daily today that in the past week, 28 cars were stopped for playing loud music, three cars were stopped because the people inside were not abiding by the Islamic dress code, and one car was stopped for carrying a pet animal.

Bayat said a further 22 cars were pulled over "since they had unorthodox exterior decoration and had tinted windows," saying that the offenders were "handed over to judiciary to be dealt with."

Listening to Western-style music and keeping dogs and cats as pets are strictly prohibited in Iran but such rules are often seen being openly flouted in Tehran. Ordinary cars are also forbidden to have tinted windows.