Tatar-Bashkir Report: June 1, 2001

1 June 2001
Mukhametshin to Represent Russia at Council Of Europe
Russian President Vladimir Putin has named Tatarstan Speaker Farid Mukhametshin to the delegation that will represent Russia in the Council of Europe Congress of Local and Regional Governments in 2001-2002, �Vremya i dengi� reported on 31 May.

LUKoil Seeks to Cooperate With Tatneft
LUKoil President Vagit Alekperov said that his company wants to sign a cooperation agreement with Tatneft, reported on 31 May. He said that without such coordination, his own company will face difficulties.

Nizhnekamskneftekhim to Rebuild Tuben Kama Power Plant
Tuben Kama petrochemical company general manager Vladimir Busygin on 31 May said that his company together with Tatenergo will invest $150 million over the next five years in the reconstruction of the Tuben Kama heat and power plant, reported.

Nobility Assembly Institutes Honorary Diplomas
The Tatarstan Assembly of Nobility granted Prince Boris Khovansky and dean of the Epiphany Cathedral in Kazan Oleg Sokolov honorary membership for their their contribution in cultural and spiritual life, reported on 31 May.

GIBDD Offers to Meet, Exceed Proffered Bribes
Rifkat Minnikhanov, head of the Tatarstan State Automobile Inspection Board (GIBDD), said on 30 May that automobile inspectors can apply to the board for a payment exceeding any bribe they may be offered by motorists, Efir-inform reported.

Tatarstan Publications Recognized at Russian Press Festival
The Tatarstan women�s magazine �Soembike� was named the best Russian magazine writing about women, family and children�s issues at the sixth Russian-wide press festival in St. Petersburg, Tatar-inform reported on 31 May. The republic's �Chayan�, �Molodezh Tatarstana� and �Kazanskiye vedomosti� were also recognized.

1508 Draft Evaders in Tatarstan
The republic military commissariat said that 1508 young people are evading the draft in Tatarstan, Tatar-inform reported.

Businessman Killed In Chally
Eduard Kuznetsov, head of the Ingosstrakh-Russia insurance company�s Chally branch, has been shot dead, �Vremya i dengi� reported on 31 May. Kuznetsov was a member of the Chally SPS coordination council representing Common Affair.

Shashurin Denies Accusing Luzhkov of Theft
The Moscow Ostankino court postponed till 15 June hearing of the suit by Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov against ORT, Sergei Dorenko and Duma deputy Sergei Shashurin, �Vremya i dengi� reported on 31 May. Luzhkov�s lawyer Galina Krylova said that the suit was lodged because Shashurin had suggested on ORT on 11 March that Luzhkov was involved in the theft of 5,000 KamAZ trucks. Shashurin's attorney said that the deputy had never made that assertion but suggested that Dorenko had used him in pursuit of his own personal interests.

Is Tatar Education Minister Opposed to Latinization?
"Zvezda Povolzhya� on 31 May reported rumors that Tatarstan�s Education Minister Faris Kharisov spoke out against switching to the Latin script. Meanwhile, at the 28-29 May conference devoted to Ismail Gasprinsky in Kazan, several scholars suggested that Russia itself will be forced to introduce Latin script for Russian within the next several decades.

Compiled by Gulnara Khasanova

Rakhimov Meets Russian Academy Of Sciences President
President Murtaza Rakhimov on 31 May met with president of Academician Yuri Osipov, the president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to discuss the development of science and education in Bashkortostan, the presidential press reported. Osipov noted that the republic is one of the leading scientific centers in Russia and praised Ufa's efforts to back fundamental research.

Prime Minister Visits Sweden
Prime Minister Rafael Baidavletov during his visit to Sweden on 27-30 May signed a cooperation protocol in social protection of the population between Bashkortostan and Vermland, the presidential press service reported on 31 May.

State Assembly Proceeds with Harmonization
The legislature on 31 May amended laws on informing about activities of state authority bodies in state media, on subsidies, on animals, on appeals of citizens, and on local referenda, Bashinform reported. Deputies also sent to the Duma legislative initiatives on amending federal laws on guarantees of electoral rights and right of participation in referendum, on bankruptcy, and on specially protected natural territories.

60 Bashkortostan Draftees to Serve in Baltic Fleet
Bashinform reported on 31 May that 60 Bashkortostan draftees have been sent to serve at the Baltic fleet and that part of them will serve on the anti-submarine ship �Bashkortostan�.

Bashkortostan Armenian Congregation Organized
Armenians in Bashkortostan have set up a congregation of the Church of St. George the Enlightener in Ufa, Bashinform reported on 31 May. They plan to build construction of a church facility there this year.

Red Cross Collects Aid For Victims Of Flood In Sakha
The Red Cross in Bashkortostan is collecting humanitarian aid for victims of flood in Sakha, Bashinform reported on 31 May.

Compiled by Gulnara Khasanova