On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Three passengers have already passed Lithuanian customs control and are about to board the Moscow – Kaliningrad train in Vilnius

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - The Moscow-Kaliningrad train

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Inside a train car

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Ludmila Chernakova from Kaliningrad shows off her FRTD. She is traveling from Moscow to Kaliningrad with several huge bags full of clothes. She says clothes are cheaper in Moscow than in Kaliningrad and she makes ends meet by selling them in local markets

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Tanya from Kaliningrad has spent several days with her relatives in Moscow and says she did not have problems either coming to Moscow, or coming back

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Dima from Kaliningrad says he had problems with getting a Lithuanian visa and had to wait for three weeks

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Sergei disagrees and says he had no problems of this kind

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Ruslan lives in Moscow and is coming to Kaliningrad for the first time in his life

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Diana from Kaliningrad comforts her daughter Arina

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Olga also went to Moscow to get things for sale in Kaliningrad. She says she feels relaxed after passing both Lithuanian and Russian customs officials at the border crossing in Kybartai on the Russian Lithuanian border

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Liutauras Barila is a Lithuanian consular official on the train. He travels all the way from Kaliningrad to Moscow and back, dealing with problems on the spot. He says people have already reconciled with the fact that they have to cross EU territory while traveling from the Russian region of Kaliningrad to Russia proper

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - For two years, Veronika Toropova, a conductor, has traveled from Kaliningrad to Moscow and back. She says she never had an incident because of a transit. "Sometimes passengers drink too much and quarrel but it has absolutely nothing to do with the transit," she says

On Board The Moscow-Kaliningrad Train - Kaliningrad railway station- the final destination