At These Prices, Why Vote?

Zarehbiin advises against excessive economic optimism, no matter who wins the election:

Honestly, why should we take part in the elections?

Today I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the price tags on foodstuffs in Iran; high prices beyond imagination. Ill-fated are those who are deprived.

In fact, even if the world's most powerful politician is brought to power [in Iran] under these circumstances, what will he be able to do? Nil! He could only consolidate his and his followers' powers in the government while inflation and prices increase!

People claim all the time that elections are never clean. Well, let's assume that they aren't. So what difference does it make? Whoever takes over, do you think meat and bread will get cheaper? Their prices will get even higher, you can be sure of that.

In fact, our problem does not lie in participating in the elections or not. With all this cheating and hurrying, there are no elections left for us to participate in or boycott.

The issues of the Iranian nation are far deeper than can be resolved in these elections. Many believe that the situation can be improved if someone particular is elected. No such improvement has come in the 30 years since the revolution, and neither will it come now.