CSTO Official Says Russia Will Supply Missiles To Belarus

Nikolai Bordyuzha

MINSK -- The secretary-general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), Nikolai Bordyuzha, said in Minsk that Russia will soon supply Belarus with S-400 and Iskander missiles.

Bordyuzha made the statement at the Milex-2009 military exhibition that began in the Belarusian capital on May 19.

Meanwhile, Minsk-based military analyst Alyaksandr Alesin told RFE/RL's Belarus Service that Russia needs to resolve shortages within its own air-defense troops before it begins helping other countries.

Alesin said only two air-defense regiments in Russia are fully equipped with S-400 missiles and its supply of Iskander missiles is not enough to meet the Russian Army's needs.

Bordyuzha is a colonel general who worked for the KGB and was later the head of Boris Yeltsin's presidential administration.

The CSTO groups Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.