Iran Cancels Visit By Armenian Delegation

Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian was among the first world leaders to congratulate Ahmadinejad.

YEREVAN -- A visit to Iran by an Armenian parliamentary delegation scheduled for last weekend was abruptly canceled by the Iranian side on June 20, RFE/RL's Armenian Service reports, citing parliament spokesman Nairi Petrosian.

Petrosian said the trip was to have included a meeting with Iran's embattled President Mahmud Ahmadinejad and other senior officials.

He declined to speculate about why the trip was canceled or when it might be rescheduled.

Iran has been rocked in recent days by mass demonstrations against the alleged falsification of the country's June 12 presidential election.

Iranians living in Armenia held a rally outside the Iranian Embassy in Yerevan last week and outside the UN office in the capital on June 22.

Armenian President Serzh Sarkisian, who faced similar allegations and unrest following his election in February 2008, was among the first world leaders to congratulate Ahmadinejad on his reelection.