Iran Unveils Approved Hairstyles

Is your haircut un-Islamic?

Is your haircut un-Islamic?

Iran has unveiled haircuts that according to officials are in line with Iranian and Islamic principles.

The new haircut models approved by Iran's Culture Ministry are aimed at preventing haircuts deemed "Western" among Iranian youth.

Barbers and men with haircuts considered "Western" and fashionable have been warned in recent years.

The unveiling of the "Islamic" haircuts comes amid a new crackdown on "bad hijab" or veiling among women and also men.

Making Iranians, especially the young, follow state-imposed rules on their appearance has turned into a real challenge for Iranian officials, who often rely on force to fight what they describe as un-Islamic and immoral clothing and bad hijab.

Many young Iranians have in the past 30 years rebelled against an Islamic establishment that tries to control their private and public lives through their appearance, including clothing, hairstyles, and make-up.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari