Iranian Presidential Candidate Borrows 'Change' Slogan From Koran

Mehdi Karrubi

Mehdi Karrubi

Iranian moderate presidential candidate Mehdi Karrubi has adopted “change” as his campaign slogan.

Karrubi said that he took the slogan from a verse in the Koran which says that the fate of a nation does not change unless the people decide to change it.

Karrubi added that, of course, the change should be in the framework of Iran’s constitution and the country’s Islamic establishment. (Critics might charge that that caveat essentially means any notion of change is dead on arrival.)

"The Guardian" reported on April 28 that Iran’s President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has copied Obama’s “Yes, We Can” slogan in a promotional video.

The video features a cover picture of Ahmadinejad wearing his trademark white jacket and pointing to the Farsi phrase Ma Mitavanim (We Can) on a blackboard. The film is aimed at students and capitalises on his former status as a university lecturer.

-- Golnaz Esfandiari