Schwarzenegger Leading California Tech Delegation To Russia

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (rear) with visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in June

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (rear) with visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in June

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is leaving the state capital, Sacramento, for a tour of Russia with a delegation of California technology-firm leaders and investors.

Schwarzenegger's office said the five-day trip is aimed at connecting California's Silicon Valley business leaders and venture capitalists with Russians who hope to start a similar technology hub in the Russian city of Skolkovo. The California delegation is expected to visit Skolkovo.

Schwarzenegger's trip follows Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's visit to California in June, when he met with Schwarzenegger in Silicon Valley to discuss ways to boost Russia's technology sector.

Schwarzenegger is being accompanied on the trip by officials from Internet search firm Google, software-makers Oracle and Microsoft, biotechnology company Amgen, and fuel-cell technology firm Bloom Energy.

compiled from agency reports