'The Iranian People Are Starved And Helpless'

Iran has severely restricted the ability of foreign media to report from Tehran, necessitating a greater reliance on the reports of citizen journalists and impassioned listeners. While every effort has been made to do so, RFE/RL cannot vouch for the accuracy or authenticity of user-generated content, which appears below in orange type.

E-mails and voicemails sent to Radio Farda, and postings on Radio Farda's Facebook page:

I wanted to comment on the elections by saying that our government, the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, has become identical to that of Israel. Meanwhile, our people have become the Palestinians, fighting with their bare hands against armed forces. These officials who blabber about the Palestine-Israel issues all the time ought to be more concerned for themselves now.


The Iranian people are starved and helpless. They are deprived of power. They need strong foreign assistance in order to become successful, despite the fact that there exists no power that could shake them.


Our teens, unarmed and all by themselves, besiege the riot police but do not harm them and let them go. On the other hand, you bastards send your so called fighter forces that would even attack the aged and the old from behind their back. Shame on you Khamenei, and shame on you Ahmadinejad.


If Mr. Khatami had amended the deviation of the Islamic Revolution 12 years ago, we would have never faced a dilemma today. While the fundamentalists did not have much economic and military power, they could not even hinder much of the reformists' communication. It was only the fear that Khatami had of Hussein Shariatmadari's fib about turning Iran into Tiananmen that got us to this spot today. Mr. Musavi, the amendment of this revolution is now much more important than the revolution itself, and you know that you are in a very critical phase of Iranian history. Wishing you success.


I asked Radio Farda not to allow those who support the regime: they have all the sources inside Iran at their service, here our voice should be heard. They control the media with public money but they don't let us express our opinion. Radio Farda should not allow them to hurt Iranian people's feeling with their silly opinions.


Demonstration on Tuesday (June 30) at 4 p.m.,
Tehran: from Vali Asr square to towards the north and Seda o Sima (state media)
Shiraz: Cinema Sadi junction
Isfahan: Siyo Se Pol
Karaj; Gohardasht Parke Sheshom
Tabriz: Abresan junction
Kermanshah: the Shardari square
Mashhad: Melat Park opposite the university
Ahvaz: Naderi junction
And all other place in Iran do not forget "God is great" and "Down with the dictator" at 10 p.m.


The silence of any Iranian people means the acceptance of this brutality. Down with the dictator!


The Guardians Council in fact approved the death of Ahmadinejad with this approval [of the election result].