Women's Media Foundation Honors Afghan Journalist

Farida Nekzad
A journalist from Afghanistan is among four women to receive this year's honors from an international journalism group for work in difficult and dangerous situations.

Farida Nekzad, managing editor and deputy director of Pajhwak Afghan News and vice president of the South Asia Media Commission, was honored on October 21 with a Courage in Journalism Award from the International Women's Media Foundation in New York City.

The foundation said Nekzad frequently receives phone calls and e-mail messages threatening her life.

In a statement on its website, the group wrote that "despite working under tremendous pressure at a time when women journalists are being threatened for their reporting in Afghanistan, Nekzad is committed to staying in her country to work toward a free press and greater equality for women journalists."

Women journalists from Myanmar, Cyprus, and the United States were also honored by the foundation with Courage awards.

Previous winners of the award included Anna Politkovskaya of Russia, who was gunned down in Moscow two years ago. Politkovskaya received the award in 2002.