Killers Of Afghan Ex-President Identified

A man prays over the grave site of slain Burhanuddin Rabbani at the Wazir Akbar Khan hilltop overlooking Kabul in 2011.

A man prays over the grave site of slain Burhanuddin Rabbani at the Wazir Akbar Khan hilltop overlooking Kabul in 2011.

Afghanistan's intelligence service says it has identified the killers of former President Burhanuddin Rabbani.

National Security Directorate chief Rahmatullah Nabeel said a list of the perpetrators would be handed over to lawmakers and Afghan intelligence officials would also hand over the list to their Pakistani counterparts.

Nadeel did not say how many people were on the list or elaborate on whether some or all of the suspects are believed to be in Pakistan.

Rabbani was killed in his Kabul home in 2011 by a suicide bomber posing as a Taliban peace emissary.

Rabbani was Afghanistan's president from 1992 until his regime was ousted by the Taliban in 1996, though many countries continued to recognize him as Afghanistan's president until Hamid Karzai took power in late 2001.

Based on reporting by Khaama Press, BBC Pashto, and UPI