3 Die In Clash Between Taliban, Islamic State-Khorasan In Afghanistan

A Taliban security member stands guard following an attack by rival Islamic State-linked fighters last month.

Three people were killed in Afghanistan's central Ghor Province in clashes between Taliban fighters and extremists affiliated with the Khorasan branch of the Islamic State (IS-K), a Taliban source told RFE/RL. The source said the clashes occurred when the Taliban conducted an operation to arrest an IS-K commander near the provincial capital, Firozkoh. During the operation, the commander, a civilian, and a Taliban member were killed, added the source, who said the operation was in response to IS-K fighters killing three Taliban fighters two weeks ago. Since the hard-line Taliban’s seized power in August 2021, deadly rival IS-K has carried out attacks throughout Afghanistan. The Taliban rulers have themselves been accused by watchdog groups of multiple human rights violations in Afghanistan. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Radio Azadi, click here.