NATO Rejects Taliban Claims That It Poisoned Food At Military Base

This incident comes after days of violent protests in Afghanistan over the burning of Korans at a NATO military base near Kabul.

This incident comes after days of violent protests in Afghanistan over the burning of Korans at a NATO military base near Kabul.

The Taliban has claimed that one of its militants has infiltrated an international military base in eastern Afghanistan and poisoned food supplies at the facility.

Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson, a spokesman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, confirmed that poison hadfound in the supplies:

"There was a finding of poisoning of food items in this location," he said. "It cannot be confirmed that it is linked to any specific group and we have got no further details. The incident is under investigation, but it had no consequences on the personnel."

The incident was reported after days of sometimes deadly anti-U.S. protests in Afghanistan over the burning of Korans at a NATO military base near Kabul.

Based on reporting by AFP and dpa