Afghan Parliament Approves Just Eight Cabinet Nominees

Afghanistan's parliament has approved only eight of the 25 cabinet nominees submitted by President Ashraf Ghani.

The lower house of parliament cited problems related to dual citizenship and academic qualifications among the 17 who were rejected.

The vote by parliament on January 28 was its last action before winter recess, leaving most government posts vacant until parliament returns in mid-March.

Ghani, who took office in September, did get some key posts confirmed, among them Interior Minister Noorulhaq Olumi, Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani, Finance Minister Eklil Hakimi, Health Minister Ferozuddin Feroz, and intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabuil.

But the important economy, defense, and justice posts as well as central bank governor were all rejected.

Lower house speaker Abdul Rauf Ibrahimi said that along with the voting on the ministers, the county's budget was approved.

Thirteen of the cabinet nominees were selected by Ghani and the other 12 by Afghanistan's chief executive officer, Abdullah Abdullah.

Based on reporting by Reuters and dpa