Afghanistan Summons Iranian Ambassador Over Alleged Border Killings

KABUL -- Iran's ambassador to Afghanistan has visited the Foreign Ministry in Kabul after being summoned by the Foreign Ministry in Kabul over the reported killing of Afghan migrants by Iranian border guards.

The ministry's spokesman told journalists on May 12 that an official complaint has already been lodged with the Iranian ambassador.

Media reports quote local officials in Afghanistan's northwestern Farah Province as saying a number of people were killed and wounded by gunfire on May 10 as a group of Afghan laborers tried to cross the Iranian border illegally.

There are conflicting reports about the casualties, with some saying at least 10 died.

Iran's border guard chief, General Hamid Sharafi, denied any Afghan migrants were fired on.

Thousands of Afghans enter Iran illegally every year in search of work. About 2.4 million Afghans are permanent residents in Iran.

With reporting by ISNA and