Nominations Open In Afghan Election For Karzai Successor

Candidate nominations have opened for Afghanistan's 2014 presidential election, with potential candidates collecting registration forms from the Independent Election Commission.

Commission spokesman Noor Mohammad Noor says more than two dozen people -- independents and members of political parties and coalitions -- took registration forms early on September 16.

They have until October 6 to submit all materials required to run in the April 5 vote, which will determine who succeeds outgoing President Hamid Karzai.

Candidates must be at least 40 years old and cannot have any criminal convictions.

They must provide copies of 100,000 voter cards from their supporters and pay an amount equal to $18,000.

A list of verified candidates will be published November 16.

Karzai has served two terms as elected president.

The constitution prevents him from seeking a third term.

Based on reporting by AP and AFP