Apple Complies With Russian Authorities, Removes RFE/RL App From App Store

Current Time is the Russian-language TV and digital network run by RFE/RL.

Apple has informed RFE/RL that it has removed Current Time's app from the Russian version of its App Store at the request of Roskomnadzor, Russia’s media regulatory agency.

Apple told RFE/RL in a letter that the reason it removed the app is that it contained content that is illegal in Russia and materials from an organization deemed "undesirable" by the Russian authorities.

Current Time is the Russian-language TV and digital network run by RFE/RL.

RFE/RL, an independent media organization funded by a grant from the U.S. Congress through the United States Agency for Global Media, broadcasts in 27 languages across 23 countries, mainly targeting regions with limited media freedom. Its Russian-language projects have been the focus of increasing governmental pressure, particularly since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

RFE/RL had no immediate comment on Apple's decision.

After Moscow launched its full-scale war against Ukraine in February 2022, Roskomnadzor blocked RFE/RL websites, including those of the company's Russian Service, known locally as Radio Svoboda, and Current Time.

On March 6, 2022, RFE/RL suspended operations in Russia, following escalating government actions, including a petition by the Russian Federal Tax Service to bankrupt the organization’s Russian division.

These measures, according to RFE/RL, were the culmination of years of government efforts to hinder its work.

The Russian Justice Ministry officially declared RFE/RL’s activities “undesirable” in February 2024.

Apple’s compliance with the Russian authorities is part of a broader trend. The U.S. tech giant removed 25 VPN services from its App Store in July and another 98 in September.

These removals sparked concerns from independent media, NGOs, and civil society activists, who have accused the company of aiding in the suppression of free speech in Russia. They have urged Apple to resist actions that undermine international human rights standards and to reinstate the blocked VPN apps.