The long-running animated U.S. television series “The Simpsons” has marked the broadcast of its 500th episode with a guest appearance by controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
The producers of “The Simpsons” said Assange -- who is under house arrest in Britain and battling extradition to Sweden to face sex crime allegations – recorded his voice cameo for the episode via telephone.
Assange has been condemned by the U.S. government for releasing thousands of leaked secret U.S. diplomatic and military messages through the WikiLeaks website.
Assange joins such notables as pop superstar Michael Jackson, actress Elizabeth Taylor, “Playboy” founder Hugh Hefner, and former British prime minister Tony Blair in making a voice cameo on program, which lampoons American life through the plight of a dysfunctional family.
The producers of “The Simpsons” said Assange -- who is under house arrest in Britain and battling extradition to Sweden to face sex crime allegations – recorded his voice cameo for the episode via telephone.
Assange has been condemned by the U.S. government for releasing thousands of leaked secret U.S. diplomatic and military messages through the WikiLeaks website.
Assange joins such notables as pop superstar Michael Jackson, actress Elizabeth Taylor, “Playboy” founder Hugh Hefner, and former British prime minister Tony Blair in making a voice cameo on program, which lampoons American life through the plight of a dysfunctional family.