Former Leader Of Banned Group In Russia's Bashkortostan Faces Charge Of Inciting Hatred

Fail Alsynov (file photo)

Authorities in Russia's Republic of Bashkortostan have launched a probe against Fail Alsynov, the former leader of the banned Bashqort group, accusing him of inciting hatred. Alsynov told RFE/RL on October 12 that the case against him is linked to his speech at a rally in April where he criticized the government's plans to start gold mining near a village and bring workers from the Caucasus there. Alsynov added he was ordered to come to the police for questioning on October 16. In 2020, Russia banned Bashqort, a group that for years promoted the Bashkir language and culture, labeling it as extremist. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Idel.Realities, click here.