Children At Work In Mines And Fields

Nurbek, 11, is one of dozens of children working in the Sulukta coal mine in southern Kyrgyzstan.

Children at the Sulukta coal mine in southern Kyrgyzstan

Even the youngest members of the Khan family work at a brick kiln in Afghanistan's Nangarhar Province to pay off their father's debts.

Hamida Khan, who is 8 years old, is one of the children working as a bonded laborer at the brick kiln in Nangarhar.

Street vendors in Basra, southern Iraq

A young street vendor talks to a potential customer in Basra.

A Kyrgyz child takes a break from making clay bricks to sell.

Kyrgyz children prepare the mud used to make clay bricks.

A child picks cotton in Osh, southern Kyrgyzstan. Children in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are frequently sent to the fields to pick cotton by hand.

Children carry cotton in Osh.

A girl carries a sack of cotton in Uzbekistan.

Children work on a farm truck in Turkmenistan's Lebap region.

Young street vendors in Turkmenistan

Hauling goods in Turkmenistan

An adolescent girl sells sweets in the Iraqi city of Kut.

Children carry heavy loads in Peshawar, northwest Pakistan.

Zakir, 10, pauses while cutting fish at the harbor in Karachi, Pakistan. He earns 200 Pakistani rupees ($2.20) a day for his work.