Rallies For Climate Change Action Spread Around Globe

Children protest against climate change in the center of Kyiv on September 20.

Children protest against climate change in the center of Kyiv on September 20.

Hundreds of thousands of people, including many children and teenagers, have joined climate strikes across the world.

From Sydney to Kabul, Islamabad to Berlin, kids, parents, and supporters took to the streets on September 20 to demand that leaders tackle climate change in the run-up to a UN summit.

The global strike was partly inspired by the activism of 16-year-old Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg, who has staged weekly demonstrations under the heading "Fridays for Future" over the past year.

Thunberg is expected to speak at the UN Climate Action Summit on September 23 in New York.

Pupils from across New York were allowed to miss class to attend the demonstration there. The local Department of Education said the city's 1,800 schools would excuse absences of their 1.1 million students with parental permission to attend.

Referring to critics, the Swedish teen said before a crowd at Manhattan's Battery Park that "if you belong to that small group of people who feel threatened by us, then we have some very bad news for you. Because this is only the beginning."

"Change is coming whether they like it or not," she added.

In the Afghan capital, Kabul, about 100 demonstrators were led by a group of young women carrying a banner reading "Fridays for Future."

An armored personnel carrier was deployed to protect them.

Pakistanis took to the streets of their capital, Islamabad, and several other Pakistani cities

Protests were also reported in North Macedonia, Romania, Ukraine, and many other countries.

Based on reporting by AP, dpa, and the BBC