Clinton To Give Major Foreign-Policy Speech Expected To Target Trump

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is expected to slam rival Donald Trump for being too friendly with North Korea and too harsh on European allies 

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic front-runner in the U.S. presidential race, is set to give a major foreign-policy speech that is expected to hit hard at her Republican rival, Donald Trump.

The June 2 speech in San Diego, California, comes as Clinton tries to nail down the Democratic nomination with a solid win in the California primary.

Though she's nearly clinched the nomination, she’s running neck-and-neck with her Democratic opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders, in polls for next week’s California vote.

If Sanders wins California, that will drag out the nominating process possibly until the party convention in July.

News reports said Clinton's speech is expected to slam Trump for being too friendly with North Korea and too harsh on European allies

Trump, among other things, has said he would sit down with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to try to stop Pyongyang's nuclear program. He also has criticized the decades-old NATO alliance with mainly European states as obsolete and too costly for the United States.

The bombastic billionaire New York real estate developer, meanwhile, has scrambled this week to fend of damning allegations that students enrolled at his for-profit university were scammed.

The allegations, contained in documents in a lawsuit against Trump’s now-defunct university, revealed that university officials tried to trick people into enrolling who couldn't afford the tuition.

Clinton on June 1 hit Trump hard on the revelations. "This is just more evidence that Donald Trump himself is a fraud," she said.

Trump, who has clinched the Republican nomination, is also struggling with questions about his charitable giving to veteran groups.

He also attacked the federal judge overseeing the university lawsuit, accusing him of bias and calling the U.S.-born judge "Mexican."

Some national polls have showed Trump and Clinton nearly tied.

With reporting by AP, Reuters, and AFP