More Than 100 U.S. Congressmen Call For Engaging With Iran

Scores of U.S. lawmakers want to reengage with Iran following the election of Hassan Rohani as president

More than 100 members of the U.S. Congress have given their support to a letter calling on President Barack Obama to reengage Iran diplomatically over its nuclear program following the election of the Islamic republic's next president.

As of July 18, the letter had the signatures of 118 members of the House of Representatives, about a quarter of that body.

The letter's authors, a Republican and a Democrat, hope to send it to the White House on July 19.

The letter notes that while Iran has changed presidents before, "it would be a mistake not to test whether" newly-elected Iranian President Hassan Rohani represents a genuine opportunity for progress in U.S.-Iranian relations.

Iran has repeatedly denied allegations that it is pursuing nuclear weapons, saying its atomic program is peaceful.

Based on reporting by The Back Channel, National Iranian American Council, and JTA