Czech Authorities Seize Assets Belonging To Daughter, Son-In-Law Of Russian Missile Manufacturer's CEO

Boris Obnosov, CEO of the Russian defense company Tactical Missiles Corporation and the country’s chief rocket scientist

Czech authorities have seized property in Prague belonging to the daughter and son-in-law of Boris Obnosov, CEO of the Russian defense company Tactical Missiles Corporation and the country’s chief rocket scientist, over Ukraine-linked sanctions. Assets worth an estimated 7 million euros ($7.5 million) belonging to Olga Zorikova and her husband, Rostislav Zorikov, were seized, according to Czech TV on August 21. The assets included a house in central Prague valued at 6 million euros and the real estate company Riomax belonging to Zorikov. Tactical Missiles Corporation is accused of producing weapons used in high-precision strikes on Ukrainian military sites. To read the original story by Current Time, click here.