Eight Afghan Laborers Killed While Traveling To U.S. Base

Taliban militants have reportedly shot dead eight laborers on their way to work at a U.S. military base in southeastern Afghanistan.

Rais Khan Sadeq, deputy police chief of Logar Province, said on July 18 that the insurgents stopped the laborers' vehicle as they made their daily trip to the U.S. military facility in Khewa district.

He said that the workers were taken to a nearby village and were shot in the head one by one. The men and boys were aged between 15 and 25 and lived in a nearby village.

Afghanistan is observing the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, but the Taliban have pledged to continue attacks during this traditional period of fasting.

The insurgents often target Afghans working at U.S. and NATO military bases in Afghanistan.

Based on reporting by dpa and BBC