Ex-CIA Officer Charged Over Iran Leak To 'New York Times' Reporter

A former CIA officer has been arrested for allegedly leaking U.S. national security secrets -- apparently in connection with giving classified information concerning Iran to a "New York Times" reporter.

The U.S. Justice Department said the former officer, Jeffrey Sterling, has been charged with 10 counts related to improperly keeping and disclosing national security information.

The indictment does not say specifically what information was leaked or identify the reporter -- but reports say details in the indictment make clear the case is connected to James Risen, a "New York Times" reporter who published a book in 2006 that contains details about the CIA's intelligence activities involving Iran.

Sterling's lawyer, Edward McMahon, said in a statement that Sterling is "innocent," and that this will be proven in court.

Sterling worked for the CIA from 1993 to 2002. A lawyer for Risen, Joel Kurtzberg, said Risen did not cooperate with the government's investigation of the case.

compiled from agency reports