French Hand Over Base In Afghanistan

French soldiers from the 92nd Infantry Battalion leave with their backpacks as the Afghan national flag flies after an official handover ceremony of the Forward Operating Base Tora Surobi on July 31.

French troops have handed over their military base near Kabul to the Afghan National Army as part of the pullout of 2,000 French combat soldiers by the end of the year.

The handover of the forward operating base in the restive Surobi district, about 50 kilometers from central Kabul, was marked by a ceremony.

The French flag was lowered and the Afghan one hoisted in its place.

President Francois Hollande announced the pullout in May.

He said he would leave around 1,400 French soldiers behind to help with logistics and the training of Afghan security forces.

Based on reporting by AP and Pajhwok Afghan News