Bosnian Serb Entity Strikes 'Gender Identity' From Draft Criminal Code

Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik has led a yearslong battle against Bosnia-Herzegovina's central authorities. (file photo)

The government of the majority-Serb entity that makes up half of Bosnia-Herzegovina has deleted the term "gender identity" in draft amendments to the region's Criminal Code, indicating a hardening stance on LGBT causes and a further digression from central government authority in the post-Yugoslav state. Officials announced the change following a government session in Banja Luka on July 4. They said it was aimed at harmonizing the Criminal Code "with provisions of the Constitution of Republika Srpska," whose leadership, especially the entity's President Milorad Dodik, have threatened to try to secede from the rest of Bosnia, which also comprises a Bosniak and Croat federation. To read the original story by RFE/RL's Balkan Service, click here.