Georgian Opposition Tycoon Pays Multimillion Fine To Assist Flood Victims

Georgian opposition leader Bidzina Ivanishvili

The leader of the opposition Georgian Dream coalition, Bidzina Ivanishvili, has announced he has transferred 80 million laris, or about $48 million, to the Georgian state treasury.

Ivanishvili says the transfer is meant to pay off a fine and also as a contribution to the government's effort to help victims of recent heavy rains and floods in eastern Georgia.

Ivanishvili initially refused to pay the fine, but he stated on Facebook that paying it now is the best way for him to help the flood victims.

Last month, Ivanishvili was fined more than $90 million for alleged political funding violations.

The penalty was later cut to $45 million.

The opposition leader-tycoon has been campaigning to oust President Mikheil Saakashvili's governing party in parliamentary elections scheduled for October.

With reporting by Kavkaz-Press