Afghan President Discusses Energy Projects In Turkmenistan

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani was in Turkmenistan on January 22 for the second day of a two-day official visit.

Turkmenistan's presidential press office says Ghani met in Ashgabat with President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov on January 21.

It said the two discussed construction of a proposed natural gas pipeline linking Turkmenistan with India through Afghanistan and Pakistan.

They also discussed a proposal for a railway linking Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan, as well as possible increased electricity deliveries from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan,

In Kabul, Afghan Senator Gul Muhammad Rasuli expressed concerns in parliament on January 21 about reports that Islamist militants, mainly Central Asians, have been seen along the Afghan-Turkmen border in recent months.

The border area had been stable for most of the past decade.

But in 2013, militants began staging attacks, including cross-border raids.

Turkmen officials say several of their border guards were killed in 2013 by unknown assailants who attacked from the Afghan side of the border.

With reporting by