Iran's Independent Cinema Guild To Reopen

Supporters and members of the House of Cinema marked the reopening in Tehran on September 12.

Iranian authorities have allowed an independent film-promotion institute known as the House of Cinema (IHC) to reopen more than 20 months after its closure.

Deputy Culture Minister Hojjatollah Ayoubi was quoted as saying on September 12 that the reopening of the institute is an indication of support for film by the government.

BACK TO THE BEGINNING: Iran To Close Independent Cinema Guild

There have been expectations that the government of new President Hassan Rohani could usher in a period of more moderate politics.

The Culture Ministry ordered the closure of the organization in early 2012 under former President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, saying it lacked a legal basis for operations.

Critics described the move as politically motivated.

The center had been criticized by hard-liners for supporting liberal views.

Based on reporting by AP and