Iran Says It Successfully Tests New Missiles

Iran has announced it successfully tested two new missiles on the eve of the 35th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

Defense Minister Hossein Deghan said on February 10 that the test-firing of a new generation of ballistic missile "with a fragmentation warhead" and a Bina laser-guided, surface-to-surface and air-to-surface missile went as planned.

Deghan said the new ballistic missile "could evade antimissile systems" and was capable of "great destruction."

The other missile, the Bina, can be fired from a plane or boat and according to Deghan, is able to strike targets with "great precision."

The state news agency IRNA said President Hassan Rohani congratulated the Iranian people and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei over the success of the missile tests.

Based on reporting by AFP and ITAR-TASS