Tehran Hosts Funeral For Popular Iranian Singer

Some of the thousands mourning Morteza Pashaei around the country. (citizen journalist photo)

The funeral of Iranian pop star Morteza Pashaei brought thousands of mourners into the streets of Tehran on November 16.

Photographs and videos of Pashaei's funeral showed large crowds of fans crying and holding his portrait while the coffin, draped with the Iranian flag, was carried from the capital's Vahdat Hall venue toward a cemetery.

Pashaei died of stomach cancer in a Tehran hospital on November 14, at age 30.

Despite his cancer diagnosis in late September 2013, Pashaei had remained active on the music scene and given several concerts in different cities.

Fans have hummed his songs and held vigils in many cities across the country to mourn his death.

Iranian news agencies report that Pashaei’s burial at the Behesht Zahra cemetery was delayed for several hours because of the huge crowd that gathered for his funeral.

RFE/RL’s Radio Farda reports that police clashed with fans at some of the weekend vigils honoring Pashaei and that arrests were made.

With reporting by ISNA and IRNA